Clear Lake Coffee Roasters: Coffee Origins Series- Nicaragua - March 4, 2022

History of Coffee in Nicaragua  

Coffee came to Nicaragua in the mid-1800's but did not have to compete with well established crops like indigo or banana. It took coffee just 20 years to become the country's number one export and by the dawn of the 20th century, coffee represented 65% of Nicaragua's exports. Between 1895 and 1926, production of coffee in the Jinotega region alone tripled, from 4,500 bags to 13,500. The rapid growth of the industry did not coincide with as much deforestation as other countries in the region and today virtually all Nicaraguan coffee is considered shade grown. 

Growing Coffee in Nicaragua  

Nicaragua coffee growing regions include Jinotega, Nuevo Segovia, Madriz, Esteli, Matagalpa, Boaco, Managua, Carazo, and Granada. Throughout the country, most Nicaragua coffee is grown between 800 and 1500 masl, with some specialty coffees growing even higher that 1500 masl. Over 330,000 people in Nicaragua work in coffee, which is 15% of the labor market and more than 50% of the agricultural workforce. Most Nicaragua coffee is milled using a version of wet processing. Plant Species Catimor, Catuai, Java, Maragogype, Pacamara, Red Bourbon. 

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