Clear Lake Coffee Roasters: Industry Insider Series - New Year Resolutions for Coffee Roasters- Jan 14,2022

New Year Resolutions for Coffee Roasters

New Year Resolutions for Coffee Roasters

It's the New Year, 2022 too. The dust kicked up by the holidays will settle and the extra-long roasting days will be, for a while, in your rear-view mirror. For some, it’s time to look forward and think of what the future might bring, time for your New Year’s Resolutions. Of course, I have some ideas for you.


Align Your Prices with Your Costs

In other words, raise prices. Historically, and adjusted for inflation, green coffee prices are not high, but they are higher than what you’re used to paying, especially if you started buying green coffee after 2015. The C-Market has been ranging in the neighborhood of twice what it was a year ago. You have to raise your prices to reflect this reality. Read more about Coffee Prices and Coffee History.


Tidy Up Your Accounts Receivable

It’s easier to do the math if you’re doing the math, know who is paying late, and have a process in place to address overdue invoices systematically. 

  • Remove aging from your invoices if your invoices include the age of the past due amount at the bottom, like 30-60 then 60-90 then 90-120.
  • Consider changing your net due to 21 days.
  • Don’t list the days until due on your invoice (net 30, etc), just provide the due date, the date after which the bill will be past due.
  • Consider penalty fees for habitual "slow pays.”
  • Contact customers as soon as they are past due.


Create a New Blend

Although blends have always been a part specialty coffee, single origin coffee grew in popularity among new roasters as the industry grew. This trend reached a point where some roasters had no blends at all except, perhaps, for espresso. There are good reasons to have blends as part of your product mix.


Bring More Intention to Brand and Marketing

If you’re a relatively new business, maybe 2022 needs to be the year your marketing and brand management becomes proactive and purposeful rather than reactive and a coin toss among opportunities. 


Fire “that” Customer

You know the one I’m talking about. Everybody in your company knows who I’m talking about. Maybe their kitchen staff is abusive to your delivery driver. Maybe they are rude, demanding, and dismissive when ordering their coffee or talking to anyone at your company. Maybe they’re always a late pay and when you try and address the fact that they’re habitually past due they use the opportunity to file a list of complaints about the coffee, about your staff, about how you’re not doing anything for them. Maybe they’re always talking about the other roasters that visit them and offer them better prices, free equipment, in-store after-hours training, the moon. Whenever they make a mistake with their order, it is your fault. And … they buy 5 pounds of coffee a week (or whatever is “not a lot” for your company right now).  Just the mention of this customer’s name causes people in your company to groan.

I saved this resolution with its longer explanation for last because just like raising prices, breaking up with a customer is among the hardest things for coffee roasters to do and it gets procrastinated, even though avoiding action is hurting your business.

There will always be the problem customer here and there among accounts. Sometimes the challenging customer buys enough coffee that you accept the trade-off (or so much coffee that you have no choice). But sometimes you do the math and find not only do they make everyone miserable all the time, but you’re not making any money with the account. In fact, working with that customer is a negative return. They buy too much coffee, then insist you take coffee back when it’s no longer fresh. They make your delivery driver wait twenty minutes for a check after insisting that coffee be delivered within a narrow window of time.

If you’re not willing to put up with this sort of thing for an account that provides no value to your company, you can simply stop accepting the behavior: No, we won’t take coffee back. No, we won’t send you more coffee until your account is current. No, we won’t be delivering coffee anymore, we’ll be shipping and yes you have to pay for shipping. Either the account will move on or become palatable enough to keep.

Or, you can fire them. If they are disrespectful and abusive to customer service staff, delivery drivers, account managers, this is really your only option (especially if all those jobs are done by one person). There are coffee roasters with a business model that allows them to absorb customers like this with little negative impact, usually larger roasters who have highly automated systems for low volume customers, systems that cannot be persuaded to place an order for coffee even if the previous two invoices have not been paid. It has been said that every coffee has a customer. Well, every wholesale coffee customer has a roaster.


Happy New Year!

Whether you adopt any of these resolutions for your business, come up with your own, or just don’t do the whole resolution thing, we trust you are as committed to the success of your business as we are and we look forward to being part of your 2022. All of us at Clear Lake Coffee Roasters wish you and yours a happy and healthy 2022, too!


Whilst you're here are 6 reasons for making Clear Lake Coffee Roasters - CLCR - your go-to coffee roaster:

☕️ We are a local family-run business located in the heart of Clear Lake, Iowa.

☕️ We go to great lengths to find only the finest and ethically sourced coffee around, from the top 2% of coffee beans in the world.

☕️ We only source 100% certified Arabica coffee beans, carefully hand-selecting each coffee based on specific quality and taste attributes.

☕️ Our roasting process has been refined over the years and each roast profile is individually designed to complement the nuances of the coffee we source, from Cup of Excellence (COE) award-winning producers.

☕️ By roasting in smaller batches, we can ensure our coffee is ALWAYS fresh, in fact, we roast your coffee only after you place an order - the same day your order ships out.

☕️ At CLCR, we are dedicated to a single mission: the unyielding pursuit of coffee perfection in every cup.

We would give you more reasons, but rather than reading it's better if you visit our website, purchase a bag or two, and experience a unique caffeinated or half-caff journey for yourself 😊!
Explore goodness. Click. Buy. Smile.

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