Peru - Top Cajamarca Toffee, good sweetness, Almond Roca, golden raisin

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Peru - Top Cajamarca

Toffee, good sweetness, Almond Roca, golden raisin. Silky and perfumed with a sparkling acidity. Available now.

Origin: Peru
Region: Cajamarca
Farm: Small Holder Farmers
Varietal: Arabica
Altitude Low: 1500
Altitude High: 1900
Process: Washed
Status: Active
Notes: This washed-process, organic-certified lot originates from Covoya's largest organic operation in Peru and represents the highest-quality selections from the many smallholder farmers who participate. Organic coffee farmers in Cajamarca prioritize sustainable agricultural practices that focus on soil health, biodiversity, and environmental well-being. They employ techniques like composting, crop rotation, and the use of organic fertilizers to maintain soil fertility. Pest and disease control methods rely on natural approaches, such as beneficial insects, organic sprays, and cultural practices to promote resistance.

$9.00/lb - Medium roast

Sold in 5lb bulk, craft bags